Your Discovery Visit Request Has Been Recevied and Our Team Will Review It Soon*
We decided to save your time and moved the step to complete the form Dr. Katipally mentioned on the Webinar to a later time. You'll receive a separate link to complete the form before your appointment.
Our team will review your appointment request and confirm if the date and time you requested match the availabilty on Dr. Katipally's clinic schedule. If not, they will reach out to you and offer an alternate date/time.
Meanwhile, please don't hesistate to call us at 210-904-9179 with any questions.
We look forward to seeing you soon!​

What To Do Now...
Look Out For Your Final Appointment Confirmation via Text/Email
Mark Your Calendar With Your Appointment Date And Time
Fill out The Form via The Link that Comes To Your Phone Before Your Appointment
Check Your GPS For The Diections To Our Clinic To Avoid a Last Minute Rush.